This post has been delayed because we have been cruising transatlantic from Palma, Majorca to the Canary Islands (where there are no canaries) then 5 days at sea, arriving today in St. Maartens (Netherland Antillies). So, to continue with our Palma Story:
If it is possible to know and love a place in one day, we did so in Palma. Walking along the water front gives a real sense of history.

Like most of Europe, the outdoor décor is commonplace but certainly not mundane.

This wonderful statue is facing the sea welcoming visitors and sailors to port. The plaque below her dedicates her to all those whose industry and work in commerce and navigation has contributed to progress and prosperity in the islands from 1886 to 1986.

Jim and I walked to the waterfront park where we had a fabulous view of the ancient royal palace (built in the 13th Century) and the cathedral.

I had read that there were Byzantine frescoes in the Palace, so I set off to see what I could see. I discovered this “swan grotto” which is below the Palace terrace.

As I climbed up to the Palace level this mural by Miro was revealed.

And what a view from on top!

I toured the Palace, which is where the Royal Family comes for special occasions and during summer holidays. I did see the Byzantine frescoes but they were in the royal apartments so I was unable to photograph them. I had expected lots of Moorish tile work but basically what I saw was lots of nice stone work and tapestries.

This palace also has “arab baths” which pre-date Roman baths but use the same concept of the progressively warmer chambers of water heated from underneath.
I really like the effect of the stone as a backdrop for the palm trees.

The grounds of the Palace had many more surprises beyond the swan grotto. We encountered this wonderfully creative statue

in the Palace gardens along with lovely fountains and mysterious staircases.

Art everywhere -
In modern sculpture:



On the buildings:

In the parks:

Even the commercial art in store windows is creative and fun:

We commented to each other that at home this lovely river bank area would be full of trash and homeless people camping out. Here all is tidy palm and cypress trees.

After we had a little rest back at the hotel it was time to leave again for Nancy’s birthday dinner. Luckily we were able to convince the others to go back to the place we had our wonderful lunch.

I was delighted to see our same waiter still there. I took him aside and explained that it was Nancy’s birthday and he got it right away, “Ok! Cake and candles!”
After watching the Spanish family have such a great time with their paella lunch, we had to order the same thing - one paella strictly seafood and the other “mixta” which was both seafood and meat (mostly chicken).

Meantime our waiter wished Nancy Happy Birthday multiple times with kisses on both cheeks. Unfortunately his shift was over before our dinner came but he made sure to say goodbye.
Of course we had way more paella than we could eat. Our waiter didn’t let us down, either, as he had the evening shift guy surprise Nancy with a piece of cake with her birthday candles on it. Here is Nancy proudly displaying her magic new white watch along with her birthday cake.

The magic is that is snaps into place with the flick of a wrist.

Chuck had snuck in a magic candle as well. Here it is first lit.

After spewing flame like a roman candle, the lotus petals open up, each with its own lit candle, and it starts singing “Happy Birthday” as it twirls around.

A grand time was had by all and what a perfect ending to a perfect day!
Tomorrow we head to another Caribbean island, Antigua, followed by Barbados the next day. I look forward to a full day at sea after than prior to reaching Panama on Sunday. I could get used to cruising but am not so sure about the getting off part. We sure have met a lot of interesting people from all over the world, and we all share a love of travel.