Downtown Seattle has some really great old architectural details among the ultra modern high rises. I love the fact that many of these old buildings have been preserved.

Today, the VI, as we call it, has expanded and the bar stools are gone but they still have their fabulous gumbo on the menu.

In its first heyday, the Pike Place Market was a venue for local truck farmers to sell their food. My parents' really good friends, Ruth and Bill, sold produce from their Maple Valley farm at the Market for years. In the 1970's the demographic of the Market changed as more hippie-types moved in with handicraft items - homemade candles, lotions, wooden toys and stained glass, which I made and sold there in high school. At the time there was a hue and cry from the farmers about the changes but Seattle had a vision and put lots of money into renovating the decrepit buildings, while keeping the original ambiance. Today the Market is a vibrant part of the city which still combines local produce (and fish, of course) with hand made items, restaurants, low income housing, and various odd retail shops.
Anyone who has been at the Market knows about the famous bathrooms, for years only marked by the chromosomes on the floor:

Downtown Seattle has done a good job of integrating high rise condos with shops and restaurants, which is good for keeping the city core alive. One of the really nice things is all those inner city folks have lots of open spaces for their living rooms.

This one, a park on the north side of the Pike Place Market, has spectacular views of Elliott Bay, downtown, West Seattle, ferries and, on a clear day, the Olympic Mountains.

From the Pike Place Market it is an easy down hill stroll past some really neat shops (The Spanish Table, and the Paris Grocery, e.g.) to the bottom of the Harbor Steps, a beautiful promenade from the waterfront to First Avenue, ending up at the Seattle Art Museum with its iconic Hammering Man.

"... a restaurant service in Brazilian and Portuguese restaurants. One pays a fixed price (prix fixe) and the waiters bring an offering of food to each customer at several times throughout the meal, until the customers signify that they have had enough. In churrascarias, servers come to the table with knives and a skewer, on which are speared various kinds of meat, most commonly local cuts of beef, pork, or chicken....
Foods served at a churrascaria often include:
- Filet mignon chunks wrapped in bacon
- Turkey chunks wrapped in bacon (these two are usually two-bite sized)
- Sirloin steak (cut semicircular and served in slices)
- Roast beef (served like sirloin steak)
- Rump Cover (called Picanha in Portuguese)
- Beef short ribs
- Lamb
- Pork ribs
- Chorizo or some other spicy Iberian pork sausage
- Chicken hearts
- Grilled dark-meat chicken
- Grilled pineapple or banana (meant as a palate cleanser between courses)"

You get 19 different meats which come to the table on skewers. You can have as much as you want, although we pooped out before we tried all 19 types. Here is one of our "skewer guys" bringing a selection. He slices it most of the way down then you pick it up with tongs.
The "salad bar" (it was SO much more) had some amazing choices and flavors.

After this meal we were so bloated that it was all we could do to trudge up one block to the University entrance of the bus tunnel to wait for our train home.

Another grand day out in Seattle.
Beautiful photos. I can't wait until I get to spend some time in my home town also.