Sunday is our day to meet neighbors Rich and Nancy and walk downtown for breakfast. The day started out perfectly right away as we walked out the front gate. On the path next to the river we saw a small white poodle-like dog running as fast as he could, underbelly muddy and ears flapping in the wind, followed by a man jogging and laughing, followed by a GOAT jogging. I wasn't quite fast enough with my camera so I missed the dog, but here's the man and his goat.

This would have been good enough all on its own, but then, on Avendia de las Americas, we saw a large group of horses and riders swoop down a side street onto the main street.

I figured it was the Sunday riding club, but that was not the case, for about 3/4 of a mile later, on Calle Lamar, we saw them tethered, and heard a band practicing in a nearby house.

As soon as we saw these cuties standing outside the band rehearsal, we knew it was going to be another parade.

A bit farther down the street, here came the float we had just seen with the same two little girls.

We made it the rest of the way to Calle Tarqui without incident but we did see this costume shop displaying its wares in an unusual way.

Also, there were some more typical displays of the costumes.

Right after that, Jim was hailed from across the street by Cuenca's preeminent Panama Hat maker, Roberto Pulla.

And, barely two blocks away, after the 10 de Agosto market we saw "our" horses again.

And these little girls getting ready for the parade.

We finally made it to breakfast at the Kookaburra and were enjoying our cappuccinos when we heard a band. Yes, the parade was coming down Calle Larga, right in front of us.

Apparently Mary on the donkey.

Not sure what the significance of the collie is.

We lingered quite awhile over breakfast. More and more gringos came in and we added more chairs to our table. When we had finished our last sip of coffee and were groaning from all the food, we heard the band again - this time they were coming back up the street.

Hard to tell what the purpose of the parade was, except maybe to have a good time. It seemed a bit like a mini-repetition of the many Christmas parades we had seen.

So many cute little kids, dressed to the nines.

Obviously, everyone was having a great time.

This was such an eventful morning, that we decided to go home and take naps. You can see that there is never a dull moment in Cuenca.
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