We headed on out of town toward Pipe Springs National Monument and in spite of being under caffeinated we still had great scenery to enjoy.

We thought about stopping at Pipe Springs but without coffee it seemed too daunting so we kept going to the next town, Colorado City. As we got into the outskirts of town we were surprised to see a sign that said, "established 1985." It seemed to be a sizable community so we were hopeful and turned off toward town. We saw lots of really large houses, many with unfinished exteriors. There was no visible means of industry, no motels, no restaurants and one "Cooperative Mercantile Corporation," which I thought was an odd name. Right about then Jim spotted some women with their kids at school. All the women were wearing the same plain dress and had their hair done in the same way. We had stumbled into an orthodox (if that is the correct word) Mormon community. As we exited the other end of town, low and behold, a DRIVE THROUGH ESPRESSO. The place was extremely popular with cars three deep on both sides. The young women making the drinks were also dressed in the "uniform" and had their hair done up the same way. This was one of the espresso choices:

I was happy to be driving away from this town. (Later I looked it up on the Internet. It's far worse than I thought. You can check it out here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colorado_City,_Arizona)
There is really not much more on this road except this

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